FERIA EMBRUjARTE 2012 fair, Costa Rica

Beatriz durante el arduo proceso de montaje.
Beatriz during the tough set up process.

Nuestros bolsos: hechos 100% a mano.
Our bags are made 100% by hand.

Montaje. Nos tomó unas horas poder acomodarnos.
Setting up: it took a few hours to get ourselves settled.

Ya un lado del stand quedó listo.
One side of the stand is ready.

Logramos acomodarnos a pesar del viento y llovizna. A veces también tuvimos calor intenso, pero el stand estaba del lado sur y se mantenía fresco. We managed to get settled despite wind and drizzle. At times we also had intense sun, but our stand was on the south side and remained cool.

Las esculturas deben estar en la feria de arte, ¿verdad?
Sculptures should be in the art fair, shouldn’t they?

Explicándole el proceso de esta quilt a la Sra. Moya.
Explaining this quilt’s processs to a visitor.

La participación en estas ferias siempre nos deja exhaustos, ya que son muchas horas de movimiento intenso, lejos de casa.
Participating in these fairs is usually exhausting since it requires many hours of intense movement, away from home.

La cimarrona cierra el día bailando por los pasillos de la feria.
The traditional Costa Rican “cimarrona” ends the day dancing through the fair.

Cimarrona pasando frente al stand.
Cimarrona passing by the stand.

Typical Costa Rican wild band dancing by our stand.
They’re called, “cimarronas” since they depict legendary characters found in local folk culture.

Dancers passing by, with artist Fernando Páramo watching.
Pasa el desfile y Fernando observa.

/Artists Ilse Rodríguez, Vicente Chaves, and Fernando Páramo in their stand.

Textile artist Alejandra Gutiérrez in her very successful stand, where she sold garments made in crochet by women from all over the country. Her social work is great.
La artista textil Ale Gutiérrez en su exitoso stand, donde vendió piezas hechas por mujeres de todo el país. Linda labor social.

Hora de desmontar: ¡justo cuando ya nos habíamos acomodado!
Time to pack up, and had just gotten settled!